Embryogenesis, the first eight weeks of development after fertilization, is an incredibly complicated process. It’s amazing that in eight weeks we’re transforming from a single cell to an organism with a multi-level body plan. The circulatory, excretory, and neurologic systems all begin to develop during this stage. Luckily, like with many complex biological concepts, fertilization can be broken down into smaller, simpler ideas. The big idea of embryogenesis is going from a single cell to a ball of cells to a set of tubes. Starting from the very beginning Step 1 : a zygote is the single cell formed when an egg and a sperm cell fuse; the fusion is known as fertilization Step 2 : the first 12-to 24-hours after a zygote is formed are spent in cleavage – very rapid cell division The zygote’s first priority is dividing to make lots of new cells, so it’s first few days are spent in rapid mitotic division. With each round of division, it doubles in c...
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